New emulsifier base for cold degreaser solutions
16 January 2023
KRAHN Nordics AB has just announced a new emulsifier base, CRANE CLEAN 102. The recently developed formulation for cold degreaser solutions is now available for testing.
CRANE CLEAN 102 is optimized to provide initial wetting properties and concurrent complete emulsification upon rinsing. The product has been developed taking careful account of the rising costs of raw materials and the growing need for sensitivity around environmental properties, offering exceptional quality and cost efficiencies at a challenging time for global economies.
The following shows test results of a D80 solvent base and 5% of total emulsifier. From left:
1, Benchmark emulsifier base
2, CRANE CLEAN 102 + Butyl diglycol (BDG) 60:40
3, CRANE CLEAN 102 + Butyl glycol (BG) 60:40
4, CRANE CLEAN 102 + Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether (DPM) 60:40
A 5% addition of the emulsifier base (including glycol when applicable) shows the same performance as today’s recognized emulsifier base. (To leave options in use of glycol, it was decided not to include this in CRANE CLEAN 102, but as an addition if needed.)
Instructions for use:
Mix CRANE CLEAN 102 with either BDG, BG or DPM, in a ratio of CRANE CLEAN 102/Glycol 60:40, to have a complete emulsifier for cold degreasers.
Use level of ready mixed emulsifier: 3-5%
Guiding formula:
95% Solvent D80
2% BDG
Product appearance:
CRANE CLEAN 102 is a yellow, slightly viscous, liquid product.
CRANE CLEAN 102 is ready and available for use currently.
For more information or to test the product, contact your local KRAHN Nordics salesperson for details:
Disclaimer: All information related to our products and formulations are to the best of our knowledge and represent non-binding opportunities and proposals. KRAHN Nordics makes no warranties as to such information and/or suggestions, the fitness for a particular use or that the suggested use will not infringe any patent. The user must determine for themselves the suitability and applicability of any product or suggestion. The safety of formulations has not been established.